7 Takeaways From Doing A DTS

First things first, what is a DTS? 

DTS stands for Discipleship Training School and it’s a 6 month missions training school through YWAM (Youth With A Mission.) You can learn more here and the specific school within YWAM I attended was Fire + Fragrance in Kona, Hawaii.

How did I know I was being called to go?

I was 26 at the time and had already been following the Lord and serving within ministry for 10 years. I never would’ve imagined doing a DTS. At the time I was fully working for myself. But something started to shift. As much as I tried to talk myself out of it… “I’m too old. Is this really God? I don’t even know if I am called to missions, does this even make sense?” As I began to move forward, God started redirecting my path. He started giving me a heart for the nations and challenging me to dream bigger. I knew something more was coming, but that meant I had to move from where I was… without yet knowing the details of the future. I ended up moving out of my house in California after living there for close to 3 years and traveling across Europe and Australia serving friends in ministry. I also let go of all of my social media clients and stepped out in faith to trust God with finances… and experienced miraculous provision. I share this because it wasn’t a sign in the clouds or a loud and clear voice I heard calling me to go, but I was drawn by an invitation from the Lord and I just took one step after another.

If you’re thinking of doing a DTS, or any type of ministry school, here’s my advice to you!

Lean into the Lord. Everyone is going to have an opinion about what you should do with your life. But what is God saying? What are the desires and dreams God’s placed within you? Chances are it’s going to require some level of risk. The truth is, you can grow in your relationship with God wherever you are. You can even do missions right where you are. I’ve served in my hometown and in the nations, and both are important! But there is something so beautiful about getting outside from what is familiar.

There will be seasons in your life of building and seasons of learning. Seasons of staying and seasons of going. But regardless if you feel called to the marketplace, ministry, or the nations, I believe having a set apart time in your life dedicated solely to growing in an understanding of God is so worth it.

My Takeaways:

1. Healing in my heart  

No matter how old you are or how long you’ve been in ministry, you will never graduate from learning. From my outreach leader, to my dorm leader, to the leaders in my school, every one of them showed me a side of the Lord that was transformational in my life. Throughout life, our hearts can become calloused and sometimes it’s not until we are in a new environment that unhealthy patterns/generational struggles are exposed. This was a set apart time in my life I will cherish forever. It was like a honeymoon with God. It wasn’t through doing more and trying harder to follow a system where I found the most freedom, it was through falling deeper in love. The moments I look back on that transformed me the most were the early mornings I’d wake up to be with God, soaking in the Word, being in the prayer room, or laying in the back of the Ohana court (where we had our ministry nights) on a dirty floor, drenched in sweat, yet never having felt so alive. Through the teachings, time alone with God, friendships, and experiences, God used it all to bring me into a deeper revelation of His love.

2. Getting a heart for the nations 

I did my DTS in Kona, Hawaii which is the main base “the university of the nations” which means there are people from all across the world and SO many cultures represented. I have never had a more diverse friend group in my life. Growing up in western christianity, it’s so easy to have an American view of who God is. I am so grateful for the exposure YWAM brought and the biblical worldview I gained. Every week, we had times of intercession for the nations and the injustices of the world. Regardless if you feel called to be a missionary or not, you will walk away with a greater love and appreciation for different cultures and people groups. There is so much we can learn through different cultures!

3. The importance of family + team
“They won’t ask us how we did missions, they’ll ask us how we did family.”

God doesn’t need us to change the world. We are not the savior of the nations, He is. But He loves to partner with us. All throughout our outreach phase (spending 3 months in a nation) our outreach leader consistently modeled to us the importance of family and ministering to the Lord, before working for Him. Did we still see lives changed and souls saved? Absolutely. But we also allowed God to work in our hearts at the same time, as well as cultivating family along the journey. You will learn people skills that will take most a lifetime to grow in! These skills will be transformational for your future family!

4. Gain a Biblical worldview and tools you can use in every sphere of society

Every week you will have a different speaker during lecture phase. The weeks are split up into different subjects. You will be drinking from a deep, deep well every single week. We learned everything from how to live in freedom, spiritual warfare, gifts of the Holy Spirit, missions, sharing the gospel, adoption + fostercare, inner healing, and so much more. As much as it is a school to give you a taste of missions, you will also grow in SO many areas of life that are applicable no matter where you go next.

5. Have fun & enjoy God

One of the biggest things God did in my heart during these 6 months was show me just how much He wanted me to have fun and enjoy life with Him. To take the pressure off, release control, take risks, step out, and enjoy life! Is doing a DTS a vacation? No. It’s more like bootcamp. But will you have the time of your life? ABSOLUTELY YES. There’s this weird thing we do as christians sometimes where we feel guilty for having fun… as if we need to prove to people all the work we are doing and people we are helping to show we are doing meaningful work for God. And all of those things will happen, but you are first and foremost a friend of God! I personally gained so much freedom in this area! There were so many times on outreach where we would think we were going to be pouring out so much for others, then God would BLOW our minds with the way He would show us His love! Life and ministry isn't always easy, so keeping things fun and enjoying the journey is KEY.

6. Learn to trust in God + relinquish control

There is nothing like being in the nations that strips you of control. No day looks the same so if you are a planner… buckle up. You will do lots of moving around, traveling from place to place, living out of a suitcase, pouring out a lot and at times doing things you will not feel like doing…but isn’t that life? This is where we grow the most to become like Jesus. I walked away so much more of a flexible and adaptable person. Things that used to bother me so much don’t anymore. I learned to make “home” wherever I am and to me, that is a priceless skill to learn.

7. The importance of showing up for the one and growing in boldness in sharing your faith

What I love about YWAM is it’s not about numbers, it’s about the one. You may be leading big gatherings, but for the most part you are going for the one. It’s true that you can be faithful in your own hometown (that is important) but also, if we don’t go, who will? There are so many unreached places across the world even in first world countries. Can you imagine how much it must bless youth groups/churches/the nations to have people come across the world just to serve them? It truly is a joy and a privilege to share the gospel with the world. And even now that I am spending a season back in my hometown, I’ve found a greater awareness for those around me. I’ve had many interactions with the nations within my own backyard. Living on mission is a lifestyle, not a season.

If you have questions about DTS or would like to hear more about my experience, please reach out. I’d be happy to talk with you!


Listen to the Fire And Fragrance podcast here

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