Custom Made Path

If there is such thing as a "normal" path for life, I think I did the polar opposite. I've always been a little bit of a rule breaker.

It was my senior year. I'm 17 years old and working for the Gap. People started to ask what I was doing after high school. I knew college wasn't for me, so I figured I'd look into dental assisting. But really, this was just a good backup plan to get people to stop asking me questions. What I really wanted was to be in ministry. I didn't know what that would look like, but all I knew is I wanted to see revival and I wanted to be a part of something bigger than myself. I had no doubt it would happen. But I'd often get the whole "well, maybe that will be for later. Maybe you should go to school first, or serve first, or...."

Long story short, a year later I found myself in Charlotte, NC interning for Elevation Church and when I thought it couldn't get better, I got a full-time job at Proverbs 31 as a Social media content creator shortly after. This is another story for another day. My point is this, God has a custom-made path for your life. And it's one filled with joy, adventure, and it is a life better than you could ever dream on your own.

The foolishness of man is often wisdom in the eyes of God. Before I had a plan for my life, I had a vision. Culture teaches us to make the practical plan. What path will make you the most successful? What job will make the most money? But when you follow the holy - spirit, he will get you into positions and places in moments that others spend years chasing after. Obedience will open doors experience never could.

My greatest blessings have come only from surrender. I've said no more than I have said yes. I've taken steps back, and have had a million moments where I felt absolutely crazy and foolish for the path I was choosing, the risks I took, and the places God led me to... But every single time, every single setback, every single no, led me to the greatest advancements, joys, and freedom in my life.

God has a custom-made path for you. If you don't feel like you fit in, good. You shouldn't! His plans for your life, his call, his assignments, will look totally different than anyone else's.

Are you willing to look foolish? Say no to good things for the sake of saying yes to the best? Risk your reputation? Obey no matter what God asks of you? If so, get ready for a life greater than you could ever imagine.


How To Find Your Purpose


Getting Started